Event restaurant wants new waitresses
You are looking for a mini job, part time or even full-time? We are a Cocktail bar with variety show, German cuisine, patisserie and brunch at the wild Matilde Bar Berlin. You can also see on our homepage where you can now buy the best vouchers and experiences in Berlin for your loved ones. How…
Gastronomic staff wanted
The trendiest cult bar with a variety cocktail bar and club is looking for bartenders, bartenders, bar staff, counter staff, tappers, counter staff, waiters, waitresses, service staff, service workers and runners in Berlin Mitte at Alexanderplatz. We are looking for you for our international team, you want to work in a bar team with great…
We want you for our team
The trendiest cult bar with a variety cocktail bar and club is looking for bartenders, bartenders, bar staff, counter staff, tappers, counter staff, waiters, waitresses, service staff, service workers and runners in Berlin Mitte at Alexanderplatz. We are looking for you for our international team, you want to work in a bar team with great…
We want you in our team
The trendiest cult bar with a variety cocktail bar and club is looking for bartenders, bartenders, bar staff, counter staff, tappers, counter staff, waiters, waitresses, service staff, service workers and runners in Berlin Mitte at Alexanderplatz. We are looking for you for our international team, you want to work in a bar team with great…
Service jobs offered right in an event restaurant
We are looking for talented and motivated service staff to strengthen our team. We offer a low salary and the opportunity to work alongside all of our artists on various stages in the heart of Berlin.. Of course, if you’re a hardworking person with a good personality, that will be reflected in your tip. We…
Gastronomy workers wanted in Berlin
We are looking for talented, motivated catering staff to strengthen our team. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package, as well as the opportunity to work directly on 3 stages in the heart of Berlin. Anyway, if you are a hardworking person with a good personality we will welcome you who are looking for…
Gastronomie Personal in Berlin gesucht !
Die angesagteste Kultbar mit vielfältiger Cocktailbar und Club sucht Barkeeper, Bartender, Bartender, Thekenpersonal, Zapfer, Thekenpersonal, Kellner, Kellnerinnen, Servicepersonal, Servicemitarbeiter, Läufer, Küchenpersonal, Köche in Berlin Mitte am Alexanderplatz. Wir suchen dich für unser internationales Team, du hast Lust in einem Barteam mit tollen Barkeepern und Küchenpersonal zu arbeiten oder du möchtest Barkeeper, Kellnerin oder Kellnerin werden,…