Über 150 Cocktails Kreationen

In der Knutschfleck Cocktailbar Berlin kannst du unter anderem mit unseren JGA-Paketen den besten Junggesellenabschied oder den deiner Liebsten planen Erleben Sie mit Ihren Freunden einen unvergesslichen Abend bei einem einzigartigen Varieté. Wir haben weitere Geburtstagsgutscheine für Ihre Geburtstagsfeier wie das Geburtstagsgeschenk einen Gutschein für Cocktailkurs, Gutscheine in Berlin, Erlebnisse in Berlin, Weihnachtsgutscheine, Erlebnisgutscheine, Geschenkgutscheine,…

Cocktail lessons as a group

Looking for a fun and unique way to spend an evening? Then our cocktail course is the right place for you! Learn how to mix drinks like a pro and impress your friends at your next party. Our experienced bartenders will teach you everything you need to know, from choosing the right ingredients to garnishing…

Variete shows direkt in Berlin

Die angesagte Party in Berlin in der besten Partylocation Knutschfleck Bar am Alexanderplatz. Die Cocktailbar Knutschfleck mit Varieté, Restaurant, Burlesquebar, Karaokebar und Biergarten ist die Szenekneipe für Junggesellenabschiede, Geburtstage, Firmenfeiern, Teamevents, Teambuilding, Jubiläen, Gala, B2B, Mode, Präsentation, Modeschauen, Meetings , Hochzeiten, JGA, Abschlussbälle in Berlin, Hochzeitstag, Firmenfeier, Mädelsabend, Tagung, After Show Party, Weihnachtsfeier, Sommerfest, B2B,…

Variety show in Berlin

The hip party in Berlin in the best party location Knutschfleck Bar at Alexanderplatz. The Knutschfleck cocktail bar with vaudeville, restaurant, burlesque bar, karaoke bar and beer garden is the trendy pub for bachelor parties, birthdays, company celebrations, team events, team building, anniversaries, galas, B2B, fashion, presentations, fashion shows, meetings, weddings, JGA, proms in Berlin,…

Perfect for bachelor party

The Varieté event location in Berlin is the Knutschfleck Bar on the beautiful Alexanderplatz in the heart of Berlin! We are a dance hall, show bar, event location, bar, cocktail bar, restaurant, adventure bar, variety show, burlesque bar, show and party bar in Berlin in Berlin, which means there is something for everyone. Occasions such…

Service Personal gesucht

We are looking for talented, motivated service staff to strengthen our team. We offer a competitive salary and one of the best Locations to earn real good tip money, as well. as the opportunity to work directly on 3 stages in the heart of Berlin around may different type of artists like showgirls, air acrobats,…

we offer regular chances to perform

Well, you stars from the capital, you are looking for a dreamlike regular stage right in Mitte Berlin. We are looking for musicians, dancers, artists, artist duo,Artists, singers, travesty, comedians, aerial artists, showgirls, burlesque acts, show acts, contortionists, contortionists, solo entertainers, moderators, attractions, entertainers, DJs, curiosities and show talents wanted in Berlin. In addition, we…

Traditional kitchen in Berlin

You want to fill your stomach in the heart of Berlin? Then the Knutschfleck experience at historic Alexanderplatz is the perfect restaurant near you. For dinner, treat yourself to our homemade Königsberg meatballs in caper sauce with potatoes. Just the right refreshment for your lunch break or business meeting. Otherwise there are many hearty German…

Aufruf an Berlins Künstler

Na Ihr sterne aus der Hauptstadt, seid ihr auf der Suche nach Traumhafter reguläre bühnen direkt in Mitte Berlin. Wir suchen Musiker, Tänzer, Künstler, Künstlerduo,Artisten, Sänger, Travestie, Comedians, Luftartisten, Showgirls, Burlesque-Acts, Showacts, Schlangenmenschen, Schlangenmenschen, Alleinunterhalter, Moderatoren, Attraktionen, Entertainer, DJs, Kuriositäten und Showtalente in Berlin gesucht. Darüber hinaus freuen wir uns auf Musiker mit Saxophon, Geige,…

Party in our event variety

Party in Berlin. Celebrate your bachelor party, birthday, company party, team event, girls‘ night, start of the year, wedding anniversary, company event, company party, summer party or Christmas party in Berlin. The trendiest event location, adventure bar, variety show, club restaurant Knutschfleck Show and party bar on Alexanderplatz directly under the Berlin TV Tower is…