Artists of Berlin !

Musician, dancer, artist, artist duo, Artists, singers, travesty, comedians, aerial artists, show girls, burlesque acts, show acts, contortionists, contortionists, solo entertainers, moderators, attractions, entertainers, DJs, curiosities and show talents wanted in Berlin. Furthermore, we look forward to musicians with saxophone, violin, trumpet, fiddle, accordion, guitar, pan flute or other solo instruments for our colorful shows…
Event Varieté Restaurant im historischen Alexanderplatz

Das Wunderland Variete-Burlesque Event Restaurant in Berlin feiert in der angesagten Bar und Party location Nr.1 Genießt das einzigartige 4 stündige Knutschfleck Entertainment-, Show- und Abendprogramm mit Live Gesang, Animationen, atemberaubender Luft-Artistik, Hula Hoop, Livemusik, aufregenden Can Can-, Burlesque-, Moulin Rouge, Rock n Roll- und Charleston- Tanzshows. Immer Freitag und Samstag in der Knutschfleck Cocktailbar…
Variete shows zu jedem Anlass im Knutschfleck!

Die angesagte Party in Berlin in der besten Partylocation Knutschfleck Bar am Alexanderplatz. Die Cocktailbar Knutschfleck mit Varieté, Restaurant, Burlesquebar, Karaokebar und Biergarten ist die Szenekneipe für Junggesellenabschiede, Geburtstage, Firmenfeiern, Teamevents, Teambuilding, Jubiläen, Gala, B2B, Mode, Präsentation, Modeschauen, Meetings , Hochzeiten, JGA, Abschlussbälle in Berlin, Hochzeitstag, Firmenfeier, Mädelsabend, Tagung, After Show Party, Weihnachtsfeier, Sommerfest, B2B,…
Who wants to perform on our stages

Musician, dancer, artist, artist duo,Artists, singers, travesty, comedians, aerial artists, show girls, burlesque acts, show acts, contortionists, contortionists, solo entertainers, moderators, attractions, entertainers, DJs, curiosities and show talents wanted in Berlin. Furthermore, we look forward to musicians with saxophone, violin, trumpet, fiddle, accordion, guitar, pan flute or other solo instruments for our colorful shows and…