Künstler gesucht direkt in Berlin
Sänger, Musiker, Tänzer, Luftartisten, Travestie, Comedians, Luftartisten, Showgirls, Burlesque-Acts, Showacts, Moderatoren, Attraktionen, Entertainer, Dragqueens, Opernsänger, Schlangenmenschen, Alleinunterhalter, Djs, Kuriositäten, Artisten und Newcomer-Showtalente in Berlin sowie Solomusiker mit Saxophon, Violine, Trompete, Violine, Akkordeon, Gitarre, Panflöte oder anderen Solo- oder Duos aufgepasst !!! Für unser buntes Varieté in Berlin am Alexanderplatz. Wir suchen Künstler aus allen Bereichen….
Do you want to be an event manager ?
Would you like to become an event manager/event clerk/man inthe trendy cult bar with weekly variety shows in the middle of Berlin? You are multi-talented and have several interests and are willing to lend a hand. We are the elegant, popular, colorful event restaurant, cocktail bar and club on Alexanderplatz. We are looking for you…
Wir suchen Veranstaltungskaufleute
Möchten Sie Event manager/Veranstaltungskauffrau/Man werden inder angesagten Kult bar mit wöchentlichen Variete shows mitten in Berlin ? Du bist multi talentiert und hast mehrere Interesse und bist bereit auch mal mit anzupacken. Wir sind das edle beliebte bunte Event restaurant, Cocktailbar und Club am Alexanderplatz. Wir suchen Dich für unser internationales Team, Du möchtest Events…
Join as Azubi and learn everything ?
Do you want to be an Event Manger inthe trendiest cult bar with a variety shows right in the middle of Berlin ? We’re a event restaurant, cocktail bar and club at Alexanderplatz. We are looking for you for our international team, you want to Plan all kind of events and connect with many interesting…
Event restaurant right in Berlin
The trendiest cult bar with a variety cocktail bar and club is looking for bartenders, bartenders, bar staff, counter staff, tappers, counter staff, waiters, waitresses, service staff, service workers and runners in Berlin Mitte at Alexanderplatz. We are looking for you for our international team, you want to work in a bar team with great…
Waitresses wanted for Berlin events
The trendiest cult bar with a variety cocktail bar and club is looking for bartenders, bartenders, bar staff, counter staff, tappers, counter staff, waiters, waitresses, service staff, service workers and runners in Berlin Mitte at Alexanderplatz. We are looking for you for our international team, you want to work in a bar team with great…