Unvergesslicher Mädels Abend in Berlin

Mädels aufgepasst! Es ist Zeit, die High Heels anzuziehen, das perfekte Kleid auszuwählen und sich auf einen unvergesslichen Mädelsabend im Knutschfleck Berlin vorzubereiten! Im Herzen der pulsierenden Stadt erwartet euch eine glamouröse Atmosphäre, die perfekt für eine ausgelassene Zeit mit euren besten Freundinnen ist. Taucht ein in die faszinierende Welt der 20er Jahre und erlebt…
Live music and shows at Alexanderplatz in Berlin

Welcome to the heart of Berlin. The city that never sleeps! Come by and experience the party of your life at Knutschfleck: Live Music Bar and Cocktail Bar at Alexanderplatz. Every Friday and Saturday the Kutschfleck comes alive – full of good music, entertainment and delicious drinks. Our live music stage rocks with artists from…
Classic German dishes

Classic German cuisine. We cook according to traditional recipes that are rarely found in Berlin restaurants today. Grandma still cooks the best and our Knutschfleck event restaurant has grabbed exactly her recipes. There are many hearty German dishes and typical Berlin dishes. Simply delicious classics such as chicken fricassee, original GDR Jägerschnitzel on pasta with…
Cocktail Bar with live program

Our bar is the perfect place to meet up with friends, celebrate special occasions or just spend a carefree evening. Visit the Knutschfleck cocktail bar and let yourself be inspired by our variety of cocktails. Feel free to take a seat at our bar, let our professional bartenders pamper you and enjoy the lively and…